RED | of disappearance and resistance
RED | of disappearance and resistance tells of women, of their visibility and invisibility and their resilience. I collect stories of women from all over the world and make visible the emotional blur that arises from isolation, hardship or withdrawal, but also from the dynamics of resistance. The stories are as varied and diverse as the women themselves. They tell of the causes of disappearance or withdrawal. But they also tell of the strength and courage to rebel and free from seemingly insurmountable circumstances.
The women's stories are collected in an oversized book (50 x 100 cm) whose increasing weight is meant to document the weightiness of these women's stories. The project is not finished and so this book will also become thicker and heavier... perhaps until it can no longer be carried.
At the end of the scholarship my work was shown at the TONALI Gallery in Hamburg in April 2022.